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RPA ROI Calculator

Business executives considering Robotic Process Automation (RPA) should consider their Return on Investment. **Determining the ROI for RPA helps the organization determine both the impact of automation and provides a framework for RPA candidate prioritization.** Both of these goals can be accomplished through the use of UDig’s RPA ROI Calculator.

RPA ROI Calculator

Calculate how much automating your process could save your organization.

How many full-time employees support this process?


What percent of the employee(s)’s time is committed to this process?


What is the average salary of the employee(s) completing these tasks? (US dollars)


How many applications are used to complete this process?


How many steps are involved in this process?

Current cost of existing process to organization

Access a complete analysis of your process being automated with RPA technology below, including:
  • Expected Savings
  • Months to Positive ROI
  • Time Back to Organization