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Bridging the Gap Between an Idea and Its Impact

Bridging the Gap Between an Idea and Its Impact
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Transforming a vision or idea into a tangible outcome that creates real value is a common challenge that many individuals and organizations face. Often, ideas remain abstract concepts without a clear path to realizing them and generating measurable impact. This gap between having an idea and understanding how to effectively execute and achieve the desired results can be difficult to bridge. As a result, navigating this journey requires a strategic and structured approach.

Through a methodical process, you can apply a framework with distinct stage gates to guide how your team translates an idea into a reality with measurable impact.

As you move through the process, each stage gate has specific objectives, activities, and progression. This roadmap enables you to strategically formulate, validate, design, implement, evaluate, and refine the idea. And each step ensures you align with your intended vision and goals. The goal here is to be flexible — each stage is dynamic. You may find that you should skip certain steps and modify others to meet your needs and goals along your journey from idea to impact.

Further, including relevant stakeholders throughout appropriate stages during the process will ensure you receive valuable input, feedback, and support. These could be potential customers, users, partners, investors, and even experts. This collaborative approach makes each stage as insightful and productive as possible.

By following this framework, individuals and teams can mitigate common pitfalls, leverage best practices, and increase the likelihood of transforming their ideas into tangible, value-driven outcomes.

In this article, we will cover:

Stage 1: Ideation

brainstormingHere, we launch the process by generating, exploring, and selecting ideas that align with your vision and goals. This crucial first step enables you to identify how your ideas will ultimately shape your endeavor’s potential impact. We start with divergent thinking, which involves exploring a range of possibilities without constraints. We can employ various techniques to stimulate creativity and encourage original thinking. Some effective methods include:

  1. Brainstorming This classic technique involves a group of people generating as many ideas as possible around a specific topic or problem, without judging or critiquing the ideas.
  2. Mind Mapping A visual technique that allows you to explore and organize ideas in a radial, non-linear manner. You start with a central concept and branch out into related thoughts and ideas.
  3. SCAMPER An acronym that stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. This method prompts you to think about existing ideas or products from different perspectives, sparking new ideas.
  4. Provocation Technique This involves intentionally introducing a random or seemingly unrelated stimulus (e.g., a word, image, or object) to provoke new associations and ideas.

Once you generate diverse ideas, you’ll apply convergent thinking to filter, evaluate, and prioritize each idea. To guide you, you use predefined criteria such as:

  • Alignment with your vision, mission, and strategic goals
  • Feasibility (technical, financial, resource availability)
  • Potential impact and value creation
  • Uniqueness and differentiation
  • Risk and uncertainty levels

To objectively assess and rank the ideas, you can use tools like idea prioritization matrices, weighted scoring models, or even simple voting systems.

An Iterative Process

The ideation stage should be iterative with multiple rounds of divergent and convergent thinking to refine and strengthen the most promising ideas. The criteria for moving to the next stage (Validation) could be shortlisting well-defined, prioritized ideas that you thoroughly evaluate and deem worthy to explore further.

By following a structured ideation process and leveraging various techniques, you can increase the likelihood of generating ideas that align with your vision and have the potential to create significant impact.

Stage 2: Validation

After you generate and prioritize promising ideas during ideation, next you’ll validate the assumptions and hypotheses underlying those ideas. The Validation stage helps you test their viability, desirability, and feasibility before you invest significant resources into developing and implementing them.

validationThis process typically involves gathering feedback, data, and evidence from your target audience, stakeholders, and subject matter experts. You can accomplish this process using various methods, such as:

  1. Experiments & Prototypes Creating low-fidelity prototypes (diagramming the early-stage concept) or running small-scale experiments can develop valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and pain points. These hands-on experiences allow you to observe how people interact with your idea and identify potential issues or improvement areas.
  2. Surveys & Interviews Conducting surveys and interviews with your target audience can help you understand their needs, motivations, and perspectives. Well-designed surveys and interview protocols can reveal crucial information about your idea’s desirability and perceived value.
  3. Focus Groups Facilitating focus group discussions can be effective for gathering in-depth qualitative feedback. You can also uncover underlying motivations, concerns, and preferences that surveys and interviews may not easily capture.
  4. Market Research You’ll want to validate your idea’s market potential, demand, and competitive landscape. To do so, we’ll help you leverage existing market research, industry reports, and competitive analyses.
  5. Pilot Testing Conducting pilot tests or soft launches can help you gather real-world data and feedback on your idea. You’ll gain insight into its performance, usability, and impact within a controlled environment.

Throughout the validation stage, remaining objective and open to feedback is critical, even if it challenges your initial assumptions or hypotheses. Embracing an iterative approach and being willing to pivot or refine your idea based on the insights gathered can increase your chances of success in the later stages.

Criteria for Moving to Design Stage

confirmed desirability and needTo go to the Design stage, you should build criteria that comprehensively evaluate the data and insights you gathered during Validation.

This step will help you confirm whether you have confidence in your idea’s potential viability, desirability, and impact. You’ll also become aware of potential risks and challenges to address. And this depth of insight will increase your likelihood of creating a product, service, or solution that resonates with your target audience and delivers the impact you desire. 

When defining your criteria, apply the following six key considerations:

Confirmed Desirability & NeedTechnical FeasibilityFinancial Viability

Stakeholder AlignmentCompetitive DifferentiationRisk Assessment

1. Confirmed Desirability & Need

Knowing that your target audience wants and needs your solution is a critical first criteria. You’ll want to verify that they:

  • Desire the solution and find value in its ability to address their need or problem. You will need clear evidence from user feedback, surveys, and market research.
  • Positively react to the concept and are willing to adopt or pay for the solution, based on pilot tests or soft launches.

2. Technical Feasibility

Having the technical capabilities to develop and implement your idea is crucial. You’ll want to confidently identify that you have:

  • The necessary technologies, skills, and resources available to you or that you can realistically acquire them. 
  • Proposed mitigation plans for any major technical risks or challenges that you uncovered during Validation.

3. Financial Viability

Before financially committing to your concept, you’ll want to know that it’s viable and that you have the resources to develop it. You’ll want to verify that: 

  • Projected financial returns or cost savings justify the required investment, based on market analysis and financial modeling.
  • The cost aligns with your organizational budgets, priorities, and resource allocation plans.

4. Stakeholder Alignment

Ensuring that all stakeholders align with implementing the concept will further ensure your success. You’ll want to solidify that you:

  • Have buy-in and support from key stakeholders, including leadership, cross-functional teams, and external partners involved in implementation.
  • Can mitigate major concerns that any stakeholders raised during the Validation process.

5. Competitive Differentiation

Knowing that you have a unique product that can compete in the market will further ensure that your concept is worth your time and resources. You’ll want to:

  • Have evidence that your idea offers a unique value proposition or competitive advantage compared to existing market solutions.
  • Can identify potential sources of sustainable differentiation, such as intellectual property or strategic partnerships.

6. Risk Assessment

Finally, you’ll want to identify any risks and uncertainties that remain in order to prep the landscape. Thoroughly assessing these potential threats can help you create a plan to manage and mitigate them in the proceeding stages.

By evaluating your Validation findings on these criteria, you can make an informed decision on whether and how proceed to the Design stage.

Stage 3: Design

Once you’ve gone through the Ideation and Validation stages, you’ll then move into the Design stage. Here, through design and prototyping, you’ll define the idea you want to implement. This step allows you to test, refine, and communicate your concept to potential users and stakeholders.

An integral component to bring your concept to life, design and prototyping enable you to:

  • Explore different possibilities: You may have different avenues available for optimizing your idea’s impact. In this stage, we can explore what possibilities and options exist for bringing your concept to life and maximizing what’s possible.
  • Identify and address challenges: This stage is a perfect opportunity to identify any known or unknown challenges that could hinder your implementation progress or market viability. We’ll be able to uncover these potential roadblocks and address them before issues arise and derail your concept — or cause Impact Drift (see Stage 4: Implementation for more about Impact Drift).
  • Gather feedback and insights from your target audience and market: We’ll also be able to gather additional perspectives to inform how you build, where you need to pivot, and other components. This real-world insight can help you ensure that you’re designing something that has true potential in the marketplace.

During this stage, you’ll also create a clear and realistic plan for Implementation — the next stage in the process. You’ll pinpoint:


  • Defined Story: Uncover the story you want to tell, why it’s meaningful to you, and how it can land with your customers.
  • Brand Review: Ensure the brand’s voice, visuals, and values align with the target user’s expectations and preferences.
  • Strategic Synergy: Align user targeting and brand review to craft narratives that captivate and foster loyalty with users.
  • Information Architecture (IA): Organize, structure, and label content to enhance user navigation and discoverability.
  • Feature Architecture: Design and structure logical, user-friendly functionalities.
  • Success Structuring: Define the information and functionality that will create the most impact for your organizations.
  • Designs: Create visual, functional blueprints that define the product’s aesthetics, user flow, and interaction points.
  • Prototypes: Breathe life into designs with interactive models that allow for hands-on engagement and testing.
  • Feedback and Validation: Measure how the product feels after you and a user interact with the design and prototype.

The tangible and measurable outcomes you identify can strategically guide your project execution and delivery.

Stage 4: Implementation

With your defined roadmap, you’ll move into the next stage, Implementation. Here, we’ll build your concept to align with your vision and our development strategy. During this stage, we’ll:

Establish InfrastructureEstablish DevOpsDevelop FeaturesTest & Deploy

Establish Infrastructure

We’ll put in place the tools and processes that will support your build. We’ll also identify the necessary environments for realizing your concept.

Establish DevOps

The way we work is just as essential to how we work. We’ll define the collaborative approach we’ll take internally and with you during the Implementation stage. Our aim is to create a method that maximizes our communication and our partnership with you during the process. We’ll address items like the teams and stakeholders involved, deployment tools, resource provisioning, computing needs, and more. Through iterative development, we’ll deliver the best possible solution.

Develop Features

We’ll also create the features that will bring alive your concept. We’ll address all angles, from admin requirements for managing your solution to external features to optimize a compelling and effective user experience.

Test & Deploy

Testing becomes an integral step during this stage. Going through real-world use cases will help ensure we’re on track for fulfilling your vison. We can also fix any bugs that may emerge during the build, saving you from potential frustrations after launch.

Along the way, together, we’ll closely plan, manage, and monitor the project. We need to ensure that the scope, schedule, budget, and quality of your concept stay on track to what you envision and anticipate, and which we identified during the Validation stage. Without this close oversight on the project, teams can easily sneak into Impact Drift — when projects move away from their intended target.

Protecting for Impact Drift

Sometimes, despite everyone’s best efforts, Impact Drift can emerge, and the project moves away from the original impact opportunity. When this scenario occurs, you risk derailing your plans, whether due to unexpected costs, design complexities, resource roadblocks, and more.

Three types of initial Impact Drifts can emerge:

  1. Assumption Drift Every project starts off with assumptions — it’s the nature of looking into the future and anticipating the process and environment ahead. This is why developing a clear strategy and implementation plan is critical. However, sometimes teams can struggle with identifying when assumptions could change. These risky assumptions can then mean major direction changes for the project.
  2. Reaction Drift During a project, you’ll inevitably need to react to ideas to pivot needs to design solutions, and beyond. Time will always march on and bring new items to respond to. But, sometimes teams derail themselves by second-guessing or over- or under-reacting, which can cause the project to drift away from its end goal.
  3. Teamwork Drift Every project has different teams that must work in parallel while sharing an understanding of a situation, challenge, opportunity, or another outcome. The more people that support the process, the more likely it is that someone or a group of people will understand something differently. When this occurs, you can get hung up in misunderstanding and confusion. For this reason, clear communication must constantly guide how everyone works.

If you take too long to address Impact Drift, your team ends up solving imaginary problems that don’t matter in the market without capacity to finish it anyway.

When this scenario arises, three additional Impact Drifts can emerge in the project:

  1. Overbuild Drift Your team misconstrues the component they’re working on as the critical, strategy-driving priority. These misplaced efforts significantly overbuild and delay the traction report.
  2. Capacity Drift No one can tell if what they’re working on is impactful, so they have to assume it is and plow forward. They place new opportunities on the backlog and never capture them.
  3. Innovation Drift Your team finds an irrelevant metric to improve that doesn’t have a meaningful impact in market strategy or differentiation. They end up building an “innovative” solution to a commoditized problem.

Teams can avoid the detrimental effects of Impact Drift by building an Impact Profile and Traction Profile. These process tools help everyone stay on track and in communication of project priorities, deliverables, necessary pivots, threats, and needs.

Once you’ve implemented all concepts and successfully navigated through the various priorities, you’re then ready to evaluate the impact and value of your ideas.

Stage 5: Evaluation

Every project must be closely evaluated in order to ensure you’ve moved in the right direction and designed your concept to the best of your ability.

evaluationAs a result, Evaluation becomes a crucial step in the process. Without evaluating your work, you’re left with assumptions that you’ve built a viable solution with lasting business value. So, we prioritize this step as we work together.

During the Evaluation stage, you need to:

  • Design success metrics: What are the key metrics that will inform that your concept is successful? Each industry and solution can require a different set of metrics that are unique to each business.
  • Collect the data: From there, you need to collect the data against your metrics and compile them into a compelling story. You need to inform what’s working, what needs improvements, and what opportunities exist.
  • Analyze the results: With the data guiding you, now you can analyze the results and identify a true understanding of how well your concept is working toward your goals. From there, you can create a strategy to make any necessary improvements while also remembering to celebrate your successes.

With these insights guiding you, you’re ready for the final stage where you refine your concept in order to drive the best creation.

Stage 6: Iteration

As the final stage in the process, Iteration is all about refining your ideas based on the feedback and data you collected during your journey. Concepting, designing, and implementing an idea requires innovation and flexibility, especially if you’re bringing a completely new solution to market. So, the Iteration stage helps ensure that you are always working toward your best work and refining any mishaps that emerged during the process.

In fact, it’s important to not get hung up on features or elements that may not be working as you expected. Inevitably, creating a product from concept means that you’ll have some trial and error — it’s a natural part of the work. What’s more important is to embrace a growth mindset and to learn from any failures that emerged along the way. These moments become opportunities to develop the best possible solution as you adapt to changes during the process.

Should you need to refine elements, you’ll return to the earlier stages in the process to improve the strategies and solutions you use to realize your idea’s impact. This iterative workflow helps manage the project from start to finish with an eye focused on maximizing your concept’s potential.

Delivering on Ideas to Impact

Ultimately, transforming a vision or idea into a tangible outcome that creates real value is no simple feat. The project requires forethought and a thorough process that helps you inspire new thinking, develop clear strategies, and turn abstract ideas into thriving business solutions. During this process, you should expect to revisit and refine your idea and strategies based on what you learn during each stage, such as any weaknesses, strengths, threats, and opportunities. Doing so improves your idea and increases its chances of success.

By following the general Ideas to Impact approach that the six-step stage gates offer you, you can better ensure that you’re spending your time, energy, and resources on actions that create lasting impact. In the end, your efforts should leave you better than where you started while generating an innovative and valuable asset along your business journey.

To learn more about how we can enable you to go from idea to impact, feel free to get in touch. We’re always ready to help.

About Josh Bartels

Josh Bartels is UDig's Chief Technology Officer. He has been leading data and consulting engagements for over 10 years. Josh believes bridging the gap between business and technology departments in any organization is key to generating success and staying competitive.

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