About Jennifer Poma
Jennifer Poma is a Senior Marketing Manager.
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We dig what we do because we do what we dig!
This past month UDig employees participated in Splatter that Matters, a corporate paintball tournament benefiting The Doorways. The Doorways, formerly the Hospital Hospitality House, is a non-profit organization located in Richmond, Virginia that provides lodging and support for patients and their families in medical crisis.
Splatter that Matters featured 22 teams competing to be crowned paintball champion at Bon Secours Washington Redskins Training Center. The first thing you noticed as you arrived to the field was a massive blowup dome that was used to encapsulate the paintball field so the paintballs weren’t flying every which way. Sugar Shack donuts were donated for the teams to fuel up before their games that morning. While we were waiting for the opening ceremonies to begin we noticed a handful of people wearing actual paintball gear. Below are a few pictures of us and you can see that we were not in full gear, at all.
We may not have been dressed in gear head-to-toe but we went undefeated in our bracket and played in the championship game. Seven players were allowed on the field at a time per company. Everyone else stood on the sidelines trying to help communicate to our players which bunkers our opponents were hiding behind. We ended up taking home second place. Shout out to Colonial Webb for defeating us. We are coming for you next year!
At the end of the day we took home clothes covered in orange paint, a few welts, a trophy and a great memory supporting a wonderful cause.
At UDig, we believe in giving back to the communities where we live and work. We encourage our employees to volunteer at a non-profit of their choice. This summer we will celebrate 15 years of business by giving back to the community that helped us get our start!
Check back next month to see what is going on at UDig! In the meantime follow us on Facebook.
Jennifer Poma is a Senior Marketing Manager.